Houlahan Lab Department of Biochemistry and Biomedical Sciences & Centre for Discovery in Cancer Research, McMaster University

The Houlahan lab integrates large-scale, diverse multi-omic data with statistical and machine learning models to uncover the impact of inherited DNA variants on tumour evolution.


Our Research

Our Research

The molecular profiles of tumours vary from individual to individual which makes effectively treating cancer challenging. The Houlahan Lab integrates state-of-the-art computational tools with large-scale tumour multi-omic data to uncover the impact of inherited DNA variants on cancer predisposition and progression. Inherited variants that modulate tumourigenesis may serve as powerful blood-based biomarkers for improved cancer screening and prognosis.

Our Projects

Our Projects

Our work focuses on both the biological and technical impacts of inherited variants – how they sculpt the molecular profile of a tumour and how they influence our assays to measure it.

Our Team

Our Team

We are highly-motivated, interdiscplinary scientists that sit at the intersection of cancer biology, computer science and machine learning.